Eastern Virginia Chapter of ASM International
2025 Engineers Week Activities
Richmond Joint Engineers Council (RJEC) Engineers Week Banquet
Thursday, February 20
Social Hour at 5:00 PM, Dinner and Program at 6:00 PM
The Jefferson Hotel
101 W. Franklin St., Richmond, VA 23220
Information and Reservations: This page
Peninsula Engineers' Council (PEC) Engineer of the Year Banquet
Friday, February 21
Social Hour at 5:30 PM, Dinner and Program at 6:30 PM
Christopher Newport University
David Student Union
Newport News, Virginia 23606
Event Flyer: Here Reservations: This page
Peninsula Engineers Council (PEC) Engineering Career Days
Thursday and Friday, February 20 and 21
For More Information: See this link
Celebrating Engineering Ingenuity Day* and ASM Foam Plate Glider Contest
Sunday, February 23, 11:30 AM to 3:00 PM
Science Museum of Virginia Dewey Gottwald Center
2500 W. Broad St., Richmond, VA 23220
Contest Rules: On pg. 14 here Contact: Jeff Wiese
* The Eastern Virginia Chapter will have a table at this event. Please stop by or volunteer to help.
We have many things going on this month during Engineers Week. First, we encourage you to participate in the banquets hosted by the two engineering umbrella organizations in our area. It is a good opportunity to get to know some of the other science, engineering, and business people in our area.
The Richmond Joint Engineers Council's (RJEC) Engineers Week Banquet will be held on Thursday, February 20 at The Jefferson Hotel in Richmond. Reservations can be made, and more information is available, on the RJEC web site.
Peninsula Engineers Council's (PEC) Engineer of the Year Banquet will be held on Friday, February 21 at the David Student Union at Christopher Newport University. Reservations can be made on this page.
The PEC's annual Engineering Career Days will occur over two days, Thursday and Friday, February 20 and 21. The details are available at this link.
We will be continuing our Foam Plate Glider Contest this year, to be held on Sunday, February 23 during Celebrating Engineering Ingenuity Day at the Science Museum of Virginia Dewey Gottwald Center in Richmond. It is primarily for grade and high school students, but it is open to everyone. We will also have an ASM informational table in the open exhibit space, so feel free to stop by or volunteer to help with questions from the attendees. Park in the Redskins Training Center lot behind the museum at 1000 DMV Drive and enter the Dewey Gottwald Center.