POSTPONED!!!: ASM Los Alamos October Meeting (now November)

When:  Nov 13, 2024 from 18:00 to 21:00 (MT)
Associated with  Los Alamos Chapter Community

Due to some issues with the venue, we unfortunately have to postpone the October meeting so it will NOT be held tomorrow. There was a lot of excitement for the speaker/topic, so we're working to rebook Bob for November (looking at the week of November 11-14; Note, the date below isn't the final time, but I wanted to change the invite from the current setting of tomorrow to avoid confusion... the ASM system is a little clunky sometimes). Sorry for the late notice, but we hope to see you in November. We'll send more details as soon as they are available.

Previous announcement:

Please save the date for the next meeting of the Los Alamos Chapter of ASM International. We will have a dinner (probably at Cottonwood on the Greens at the LA Golf Course) and a speaker (tentatively Bob Manzanares speaking about hand-crafting standup bass musical instruments).

Stay tuned for more info on registration and confirmed details, but please save the date.


Cottonwood on the Greens
4244 Diamond Drive
Los Alamos, NM 87544