Rocky Mountain Chapter Technical Meeting: Making Coins now and in the Future(?) at the Denver Mint

When:  Feb 6, 2025 from 18:00 to 20:00 (MT)

Making Coins now and in the Future(?) at the Denver Mint

Talk given by 

Dr. Rebecca Weiss

Metallurgist, United States Mint, Denver, CO


Averaging a production rate of 20 million coins per day, the United States Mint at Denver makes a large number of simple, similar parts in a short period of time. The coin production processes and statistics will be shown. Because the cost of making certain coins was/is upside down, in 2010, legislation allowed the Mint to research coin metal alternatives. The findings of several of these investigations will be presented.

Rebecca's Bio 

Dr. Weiss got her BS in Chemistry at the Virginia Commonwealth University. She got her MS in Metallurgy from Case Western Reserve University studying titanium. Then she went to work as a Materials Engineer at the US Army Materials Technology Laboratory in Watertown, MA. Then she attended the Colorado School of Mines and received her Ph.D. in Metallurgical Engineering with the Advanced Steels Processing and Products Research Center. She has worked for the US Mint in Denver for almost 30 years where she works on Mint-wide coin production issues.

Location and Time

Pietra's Pizzeria & Italian Restaurant

9045 W 44th Ave, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033

February 6, 2025 at 6:00pm.

PLEASE RSVP by February 3, 2025 by emailing!

Meeting Schedule
5:30-6:00pm – Executive Committee Meeting
6:00-6:30pm – Social Time
6:30-7:15pm – Dinner
7:15-8:00pm – Speaker Presentation


Pietra's Pizzeria & Italian Restaurant
9045 W. 44th Ave
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033