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  • Monday

    WMASM - Failure Analysis Workshop

    Nov 11 - 15, (ET)
    WMASM Failure Analysis Workshop “Constructing Competence in Failure Analysis: A Holistic Approach” Dates: Monday, November 11 through Thursday, November 14, 2024 Optional Lab Visit on Friday, November 15, 2024 This seminar is based on Debbie Aliya’s new book Constructing Competence in Failure Analysis: A Technical and Human Factors Guide. ( ) The book is focused on evaluating components that have been damaged due to exposure to forces and environmental conditions beyond their capacity to endure. The presented methodology has the potential to reveal damaging factors including operations outside of the design envelope, manufacturing problems, or something else entirely. And applying this methodology will shed light on the reasons for the demise of the component or assembly. The attentive participant will gain an appreciation for the idea that engineering damage is a measurable physical fact, while failure is always due to a human factor. Instructor: Debbie Aliya, FASM Experienced independent consultant with a demonstrated history of supporting client's engineering management teams. Strong critical and creative thinker, skilled in Failure Analysis, Manufacturing Engineering, Component Design Philosophy, Automotive, and Materials Science and Engineering. Cost: Members of ASM International - $2,000 Non-members - $2,250 See the Full Seminar Flyer for detailed information on the program. WMASM_FA_Seminar_Text__Rev_1.pdf
    Grand Rapids, MI, United States

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