Join us March 28, at 10:00 a.m. EDT for the EDFAS Speaker Series talk "scanning Microwave Impedance Microscopy (sMIM)" with Nicholas Antoniou.
During this talk you will be introduced a young technology, scanning Microwave Impedance Microscopy (sMIM), that is an AFM based electrical property measurement technique with nanoscale resolution. Mr. Antoniou will share use cases as they pertain to FA and R&D of semiconductors and related materials. He will also be sharing highlights his career path as well as the lessons learned in decision making when faced with significant work changes that also impacted his personal life. His main point of career advice is to embrace change, take calculated risks, and treat any job with professionalism and dedication to the field.
Speaker Bio
Nicholas Antoniou
VP of Product & Business Development
Nicholas Antoniou holds a B.Sc. & M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering both from Texas A&M University. He has extensive experience in semiconductors and capital equipment product management. After a decade in semiconductor fabrication, he joined FEI Company (now ThermoFisher) where he was director of FIB products. He joined Harvard University's Center for Nanoscale Systems as a Principal FIB Engineer before returning to product management at Nova Measuring Instruments where he was managing new materials metrology systems. He is currently VP of Product and Business Development at PrimeNano. Nicholas is an active member of EDFAS and IEEE.
Carrie Hawk
ASM International
Community Engagement Specialist