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The Enkomi Cup: Macrophotographic Damage Assessment

  • 1.  The Enkomi Cup: Macrophotographic Damage Assessment

    Posted 06-05-2023 15:03

    This new article in the journal Historical Metallurgy may be of interest to members of the ASM Archaeometallurgy Community. The PDF is free to access on the journal site.

    Russell Wanhill and Alessandra Giumlia-Mair, The Enkomi Cup: Macrophotographic Damage Assessment, Historical Metallurgy, Vol. 54 (No. 1), 2023, DOI


    Macrophotographs of the Enkomi Cup have been examined to assess the cracking damage in the cup metal, a silver alloy. The resulting interpretations and their implications indicate that the cracks are most probably due to long-term stress corrosion that stopped well before excavation and restoration. It is concluded that no additional restoration and conservation measures are needed.

    Scott Henry
    Senior Content Engineer
    ASM International