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This is the first glimpse of the newest event of ASM Thermal Spray Society (TSS)

  • 1.  This is the first glimpse of the newest event of ASM Thermal Spray Society (TSS)

    Posted 02-06-2024 13:07

    Dear Thermal Spray Community!

    This is the first glimpse of the newest event of ASM Thermal Spray Society (TSS).

    Navigating a Greener Sky: Symposium on Advances in Thermal Spray and PVD Coatings for the Aerospace Industries!

    Philosophy & Goals of the symposium!

    To bring together aerospace industry players (OEMs and suppliers) and researchers from academia and industry involved in thermal spray and PVD coatings to:

    •• Identify the challenges and opportunities that changes in the aerospace sector present to researchers and manufacturers of thermal spray and PVD coatings

    •• Propose research directions to address these challenges

    The TSS Greener Sky Event has an outstanding international committee. These are the organizing committee members who already confirmed their participations:

    Armelle Vardelle, Vincent Rat and Alain Denoirjean (University of Limoges, France)

    Ann Bolcavage (Rolls Royce, USA)

    Pascal Brault (University of Orléans, France)

    Professor Tanvir Hussain (University of Nottingham, UK)

    Shrikant Joshi (West University, Sweden),

    Thomas Klassen Thomas (Hamburg University, Germany)

    Ludvik Martinu (Polytechnique Montreal, Canada)

    Christian Moreau (Concordia University, Canada)

    Cédric POUPON (Airbus, France)

    Brett Rosenthal (Oerlikon, USA)

    Sanjay Sampath (Stony Brook University, USA)

    Serge Selezneff (SafranTech, France)

    Uwe Schulz (DLR, German Aerospace Center, Germany)

    Robert Vaßen (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany)

    The TSS Greener Sky Event will be held in Limoges (France), on November 12-14 (2024).

    More information and website coming soon from ASM International & TSS: Events - ASM International


    Rogerio Lima, PhD
    Senior Research Officer
    National Research Council of Canada
    Fellow of ASM International (FASM)
    President of Thermal Spray Society (TSS)

    e-mail: rogerio.lima@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca
    TSS Open Mic Series