About Us
The Philadelphia "Liberty Bell" Chapter of ASM International was established in accordance with the purpose of ASM International to advance and disseminate knowledge with respect to the processing, manufacture, characterization, selection, utilization, understanding, and life cycle of metals and other engineering materials.
Through meetings, publications, education, surveys, compilations of information, and other appropriate activities, the Chapter serves the technical and professional needs, interests, and fulfillment of persons in the community of metals and materials. The Chapter also provides a forum for the interchange of knowledge, experience, and ideas among all those concerned with enhancing the contribution of metals and materials to human betterment, social progress and national goals.
Be sure to keep up to date with the Liberty Bell Chapter Newsletters.
The Philadelphia "Liberty Bell" Chapter is proud to be an affiliate of the Engineers Club of Philadelphia
We would like to say thank you to The Greater Philadelphia Section of The American Society for Non-Destructive Testing, and the Philadelphia Chapter of the American Welding Society for presenting our MEI Course with us.
Thank you for visiting Philadelphia!
2020-2021 Philadelphia Liberty Bell Chapter Officers

Alan Fabiszewski
Chapter Chair

Jamie Jones
Vice Chair

Ron Smith

Spencer Freund