About Us

This community was created as a place where we can share ideas for teaching Materials Science Labs virtually.   The immediate need was created by the sudden change many of us faced in March or April of 2020 as our institutions responded to the Covid-19 Pandemic.   ASM International was gracious enough to extend their community platform to us, with two modifications:   1.  You don't have to be an ASM member to participate, and 2.  Any documents shared here will be governed by a CC BY 4.0 community commons license.   That means you are free to use and adapt the shared materials as long as you attribute them.   

Longer term, this could become a place to share teaching resources related to Integrated Computational Materials Engineering.

If you do post a lesson plan, suggest a video link etc., please tag your post with searchable key words.   To use the search function simply type a key word in the little search box on the upper right side of the page.   The results will go beyond our community so you may see links to ASM Handbooks and journal articles or events.

Any file attachments to discussions will automatically be added to the library where the site moderators will be working on a file structure.   The easiest way to keep the files under control is to reply to the discussion thread related to the topic you'd like to contribute to.

Please note that in this rich text editor you can imbed images, videos, and hyperlinks.

I hope this resource will be helpful to you, and having just completed my first year as a professor after 37 years in industry - I am most grateful for the help you will give me!

In addition to the discussions and "library", consider taking advantage of the "Members" tab to contact others in the group individually.

Thanks for joining -