IMS Membership, Marketing and Outreach (MM&O) Committee

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Signup Deadline: 04-30-2024
Starts: 09-01-2024
Ends: 08-31-2027


Committee Purpose:  The MM&O Committee contributes to the success of the International Metallographic Society (IMS) through its ongoing membership program initiatives including actively enhancing and owning the member value proposition (new products, services and value); growing and retaining membership by demonstrating and reinforcing the value proposition; promoting metallography as a discipline, and improving membership communications throughout the society by developing marketing and sales plans that are based on the IMS Strategic Plan.  Ultimately, the MM&O Committee is held accountable for meeting member needs as well as achieving the financial contribution for the Membership product line as set forth by the IMS Board.

Committee Reports to:   IMS Board of Trustees

Committee Structure:

1 – Chair – appointed by IMS President for one year term – terms can repeat at the agreement of the Chair and the IMS President. (voting)

1 – Vice chair – recommended by the Chair and approved by the IMS President for one year term – terms can repeat at the agreement of the Chair and the current IMS President.  The Vice chair role is often assumed to be an eventual replacement for the chair. (voting)

6 – Committee members – selected by the Chair with one third of the membership rotating off each year, with replacements selected for a 3-year term. (voting)

1 – Board Liaison – appointed by the IMS President (non-voting)

Roles and Expectations: 

The Chair of the Membership, Marketing and Outreach Committee will:

  • Coordinate face-to-face and teleconference meetings with the staff liaison including construction of agendas and reporting of meeting minutes
  • Lead the meetings in keeping with Roberts’ Rules of Order.
  • Select volunteers to participate on the committee.
  • Report to the Board on the accomplishments, agenda and activities of the committee.
  • Work to implement the strategic plan of the IMS Board.
  • Standard requirement – roughly 5-7 hours per month, depending upon priority of task
  • Attendance at the annual face-to-face meetings of the committee and the IMS Board at IMAT (unless excused by the Board Liaison).

The Vice Chair of the Membership, Marketing and Outreach Committee will:

  • Fill the role of the Chair when the Chair is absent or unable to conduct the role.
  • Facilitate the functions of any and all sub-committees established to conduct the business of the committee.
  • Coordinate the minutes and effective communication of action items for the committee.
  • Standard requirement – roughly 3-5 hours per month, depending on priority of task
  • Attendance and support if IMS at the IMAT Conference (unless excused by the Chair).

The Committee member will work under the guidance of the Chair and Vice Chair to:

  • Complete the work of the committee in keeping with the strategic plan of the IMS Board.  Participate in as many meetings as possible and contribute to the success of the committee through active input & participation as well as completion of assigned tasks.
  • Committee members may or may not be assigned to sub committees to drive the activities of the committee.
  • Standard requirement – roughly 2-3 hours per month, depending upon priority of task
  • Attendance and support if IMS at the IMAT Conference

Volunteers Needed:

6 (6 open slots)

Experience Required:

No Experience




Nicole Hale
ASM International