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ASM TREASURER APPLICANTS SOUGHT - Deadline for Interest is February 7th

  • 1.  ASM TREASURER APPLICANTS SOUGHT - Deadline for Interest is February 7th

    Posted 12 days ago

    The ASM Board is seeking candidates for the position of ASM Treasurer for 2025–2026. The Treasurer is an officer of the Board of Trustees and chairs the Finance Committee, and is also a member of the Investment Committee. Commitment involves travel to one to two meetings per year and participation in virtual meetings. 

    ASM's Constitution states that the Treasurer must be an individual professional member of the Society. It is recommended that the Treasurer have a good understanding of finance and accounting, and the ability to synchronize ASM's finances with its vision and strategy to make the best use of the Society's resources. Prior experience in the volunteer leadership of ASM is also helpful. 

    Applicants can apply via the ASM Volunteer Center or by submitting a short letter explaining why they would like to serve as Treasurer along with a resume and 2-5 letters of support to Leslie Taylor by February 7.

    If you have any questions please contact ASM Director of Finance, Dave Kiessling. Nominations are to be submitted no later than February 7.

    Volunteer Opportunities

    Leslie Taylor
    Manager, Executive Office
    ASM International
    Materials Park OH
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