The vitality of ASM depends on its members. Honor a member who has made significant societal contributions!
William Hunt Eisenman Award
William Hunt Eisenman was a founding member of the Society. This award was established posthumously and recognizes unusual achievements in industry regarding the practical application of materials science and engineering through production or engineering use. View the rules and history here. Pictured: The 2024 Recipient of the William Hunt Eisenman Award - Dr. Daniel Dennies, P.E., FASM
Allan Ray Putnam Service Award
The Allan Ray Putnam Service Award was established in 1988 in honor of Mr. Putnam, also known to many as "Mr. ASM." This award recognizes the exemplary efforts of various outstanding members of ASM International on behalf of the Society to further its objectives and goals. View the rules and history here. Pictured: The 2024 Recipient of the Allan Ray Putnam Service Award - Dr. David Furrer, FASM
Christine Hoover
Awards Administrator
ASM International
Materials Park OH
(440) 338-5444