Technical Talk*: The Big Dig in Boston - An Eighth Wonder of the World (The nth Blunder by Humankind

When:  Jan 30, 2024 from 18:00 to 19:00 (ET)

January Event Announcement:

Technical Talk*: The Big Dig in Boston -
An Eighth Wonder of the World
(The nth Blunder by Humankind)

Along with the Central Virginia Section of ASME

Tuesday, January 30, 2024
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Eastern Time

*One PDH credit will be awarded upon request for this virtual Zoom presentation.

Cost: Free

Reservations: Please notify Jeff Wiese at or 804-421-7897. The Zoom call information will be sent once you have registered.  Let us know if you would like the PDH credit. This event is open to everyone, so feel free to invite others.

About the Presentation:

The tunnel and bridge transportation system in Boston (12/31/2007) is an amazing feat of engineering. The Bean Town additions and renovations to the major traffic arteries (the Big Dig) have cost more than any civil project in the history of the USA. Offsetting this engineered marvel of the modern world is a chronical of mismanagement, corruption, greed, and excessive costs including the loss of a life. Rob Pond was a member of the technical team that reviewed, interpreted, and advised the Governors of Massachusetts on the safety conditions and future maintenance needs of the Big Dig. He provides a look behind the curtain of the Big Dig creation, construction issues, and the results of the engineering safety review.

About Our Speaker:

Dr. Robert B. Pond, Jr. (ret.)
Loyola University Maryland

Dr. Rob Pond (BES, Johns Hopkins (JHU); MS and PhD in Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Pennsylvania) taught materials engineering at the Naval Academy, Loyola University Maryland and JHU. He provides industrial courses for the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) and the American Society of Materials International (ASMI) where he is a Fellow (FASM). He also engaged for more than three decades in government research and in industry where he ran a laboratory for Baltimore Gas & Electric Co. for thirteen years. As a forensic consultant he has analyzed more than 1,500 material failures and testified for courts more than 150 times.


Dial-in Instructions:
The Zoom call information will be forwarded a day or so before the event.
Event Image


Jeffrey Wiese