About Us


Welcome to the Cleveland Chapter's Online Community! Here you will be able to access the latest information on our chapter and events, as well as access the advantages of membership with the chapter and with ASM International. Please explore and learn more about us! Members can login using their member number or e-mail address and password. Not a member? Register - it's free, or join today!

Cleveland has a rich history in manufacturing, metallurgy, and materials science and the Cleveland Chapter is proud to be the hometown chapter of ASM International. The Cleveland Chapter has technical meetings throughout the fall, winter, and spring. We also have several social event that are opportunities for members to network in a more relaxed venue.

All of us in the Executive Committee of your chapter are privileged and very excited to offer you events and services through out this year. Still, we would like to do more and we need a few more members who have the desire to make a difference. Please contact the Cleveland Chapter for more information on how you can be more involved in our vibrant technical community.