ASM-Detroit Chapter Rules for Government
ARTICLE I: Name and Objectives
Section 1—This organization shall be known as the Detroit Chapter ASM International.
Section 2—The objectives of the Chapter shall be in complete harmony with those set forth in the Rules for Government and Constitution of ASM International hereafter referred to as the Society. The exclusive purpose of the Chapter is to advance, promote and disseminate scientific, engineering and technical knowledge particularly with respect to the manufacture, processing, characterization, selection, understanding, use and life-cycle of metals and other engineering materials, through education, research and the compilation and dissemination of information to serve the technical and professional needs and interests of the membership and to benefit the general public.
ARTICLE II: Territory
Section 1—This Chapter shall have jurisdiction in areas specified by ASM International, specifically Detroit and vicinity. AFFILIATED GROUPS
Section 2—Upon the recommendation of the Society, the Detroit Chapter may assume jurisdiction over the new groups of ASM International formed outside the territorial limits defined herein. However, it shall be understood that such jurisdiction is temporary and that the sole purpose of the Detroit Chapter in accepting this responsibility is to help establish associations. Once the new group has established itself on a sound technical, financial and social basis, it shall be the privilege of such affiliated groups to petition the Society for a chapter charter. In no case shall the jurisdiction of the Detroit Chapter over such groups extend beyond a period specified by the vote of the Executive Committee of the Detroit Chapter.
ARTICLE III: Membership and Privileges
Section 1—Membership of the Detroit Chapter, or affiliated groups, shall be classified in the manner defined by the Society.
Section 2—Full membership privileges may be extended also to those persons living outside the territory defined in Article ll who, of their own volition and without solicitation or inducement by the Detroit Chapter, express in writing their desire to be affiliated with the Detroit Chapter while residing either temporarily or permanently beyond the area assigned to the Detroit group.
Section 3—All applications for membership in the Detroit Chapter or affiliated groups shall be presented on an approved form signed by the applicant and countersigned by a sponsoring member.
ARTICLE IV: Financing
Section 1—The Chapter shall be financed principally by a portion of the annual dues paid by each member and sustaining membership to the Society.
Section 2—The Executive Committee of the Detroit Chapter may make provisions for raising additional funds for carrying on the activities of the Chapter or affiliated groups and shall exercise complete management and control of such funds insofar as this does not conflict with the aims or objectives of ASM International or the provisions of its Rules for Government.
Section 3—All investments of funds belonging to the Detroit Chapter shall be in U.S. Government securities, accounts insured by a Federal Government agency or those securities designed by the ASM National Investment Program.
ARTICLE V: Officers & Executive Committee
Section 1—The officers of the Detroit Chapter shall be elected from its membership or affiliated groups and shall consist of Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.
Section 2—The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers of the Chapter, Chairmen of the Standing Committees, Chairmen of special appointed committees and the chairmen of affiliated groups.
ARTICLE VI: Standing Committees
Section 1—There shall be (9) Standing Committees as follows:
1. Yearbook — The Chapter Secretary and Vice Chairman will co-chair this committee.
2. Finance/Council of Fellows - The Chairman of this committee is to be appointed for one year, and is usually the outgoing Chairman, but must be a past Chairman.
3. National Affairs/Awards & Recognition — The Chairman of this committee is to be appointed by the Chapter Chairman for one year, and is usually the Chairman whose term expired 12 months previously.
4. Papers and Programs
5. MEI/Round Table/Education
6. Membership/Sustaining Members
7. Publicity/Attendance
8. Student Affairs & Young Members
9. Entertainment
Section 2—Committees may consist of no more than twelve (12) members. With the approval of the executive committee, a standing committee may be increased to 15 members maximum for any one year for a specific purpose approved by the executive committee.
Section 3—The Chairman may appoint up to four additional Executive Committee members, with the approval of the Executive Committee, to lead AdHoc Committees or any segments of the consolidated committees for a period of not more than one year. These appointees shall be voting members of the committee. Such committees shall report, in writing, to the Executive Committee at the conclusion of their deliberations.
Section 4—The Council shall be comprised of ASM International Fellows and past Chapter Chairmen.
Section 5—All Chairmen of Standing and Special Committees shall be members in good standing of ASM, and it is preferred that additional members of these committees also be members in good standing of ASM.
ARTICLE VII: Vacancies
Section 1—In the event that a vacancy occurs in the office of Chairman, the Vice-Chairman will be appointed Chairman to fill out the unexpired term.
Section 2—In the event that a vacancy occurs in the office of Vice-Chairman, the Secretary will be appointed Vice-Chairman to fill out the unexpired term.
Section 3—In the event that a vacancy occurs in the office of Secretary, the Treasurer will be appointed Secretary to fill the unexpired term, unless unwilling. (Note: Although eligible to advance to the position of Secretary, the Treasurer need not make such a commitment as a requirement of his/her position). If the Treasurer is unwilling to be appointed Secretary the entire Executive Committee will, by a two-thirds vote, appoint a member from its own membership to fill out the unexpired term.
Section 4—In the event that a vacancy occurs in the office of Treasurer, the entire Executive Committee will, by a two-thirds vote, appoint a member to this office from its own membership to fill out the unexpired term.
Section 5—Vacancies in the Executive Committee or Chairmen of standing committees shall be filled by appointment by the Chapter Chairman, with the approval of the Executive Committee, to fill out the unexpired term.
Section 6—Vacancies in affiliate group members of the Executive Committee shall be filled by appointment by the Group Chairman and approved by the Executive Committee of the Detroit Chapter.
ARTICLE VIII: Duties of Officers
Section 1—Chapter Chairman: The Chapter Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Committee and at all regular and special meetings of the Chapter. The Chapter chairman shall make a written report to the membership by the end of the Chapter year, reviewing the activities of the Chapter and recommending future action to be taken by the Chapter. A copy of this report shall be forwarded to the Headquarters of ASM International and included in the following yearbook.
Section 2—Vice-Chairman: The Vice-Chair man shall perform the duties of the Chairman if the Chairman is absent or unable to act. The Vice-Chairman will be cochairman of the Yearbook Committee.
Section 3—Secretary: The Secretary will be responsible for the maintenance of all Chapter records other than financial records. The Secretary will be responsible for keeping full minutes of all Executive Committee meetings and, upon request of the Chairman, will make reports to the membership and to the Society. The Secretary will be cochairman of the Yearbook Committee with responsibility as Editor. The Secretary will be responsible to ensure that the Chapter website is maintained.
Section 4—Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be responsible for all funds and chattels of the Society. He/she shall disburse funds as authorized by the Executive Committee and shall keep, or cause to be kept, proper records of all monies received and disbursed by the Chapter. All checks must carry the signature of both the Treasurer and the Chapter Chairman or such other persons as may be designated by the Executive Committee.
The fiscal year of the Chapter shall extend from June 1 through May 31 of the following year. The financial records of the Chapter shall be audited annually as of the close of business on May 31. The Finance Chairman will be responsible for the audit; however, the selection of the auditor must be approved by the Executive Committee.
The Treasurer will be responsible for the preparation of an annual financial statement which will be reported in writing to the members at the end of the Chapter year. The Treasurer will also be responsible for the preparation of quarterly financial reports for the Executive Committee and such other financial reports as may be required by the Executive Committee, membership and the Society. The Treasurer, or any other person authorized to handle the funds of the Chapter, shall be bonded, the amount and character of the bond to be determined by the Executive Committee.
Section 5—Chapter Administrative Assistant: By a vote of two-thirds of its members, the Executive Committee may establish the position of Chapter Administrative Assistant. The holder of this position is not required to be a member of the Society. Such an employee shall be compensated in a manner to be determined by the officers of the Executive Committee.
Section 6—The affairs of the Chapter shall be governed by the Executive Committee. A majority of the entire committee membership shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of business. The Executive Committee shall also decide matters of policy and chapter business by a majority vote. All responsibilities not delegated herein shall come under the jurisdiction of the Executive Committee.
Section 7—Officers and Committee members shall serve without recompense except that the Executive Committee may compensate them for actual expense incurred in connection with the fulfillment of their prescribed duties.
ARTICLE IX: Appointment, Nomination & Election of Officers & Executive Committee
Section 1—Appointments: The Chairman with the advice and consent of the other three (3) officers of the Chapter may appoint members to the Executive Committee for one (1) year terms.
Section 2—Nominating Committee: This is an ad hoc committee of the chapter. This committee shall consist of a chairman and at least two other members. Past chairmen of The Chapter are eligible to serve on the Nominating Committee.
Section 3 — Duties of the Nominating Committee: The Nominating Committee shall nominate at least one candidate for each open position on the Executive Committee. The Nominating Committee chairman shall report these nominees to the Chapter Chairman after it has been determined that each nominee:
(1) Is an individual or Sustaining Member of The Society in good standing.
(2) Is eligible to serve.
(3) Had indicated an understanding of the duties required and is available and willing to serve, if appointed, in the position concerning the nomination.
Section 4—Ballots for Election of Officers and Executive Committee Members: Ballots for the election of the officers and for committee members shall be prepared by the Nominating Committee and mailed to all members of the Chapter in good standing by the end of the Chapter year (May 31). They shall contain the following: (a) For Chairman: The retiring Vice-Chairman and one blank. (b) For Vice-Chairman: The retiring Secretary and one blank.(c) For Secretary: The retiring Treasurer, if willing, and one blank. If the Treasurer is unwilling, the candidate selected as per section 3 and one blank (d) For Treasurer: The candidate selected as per section 3 and one blank. (e) For the remainder of the Executive Committee not covered in Section 1, or (a) through (d) above: Select two (2) candidates for each expiring office of the Executive Committee. Ballots to be counted must be received by 5:00 P.M. on the Friday prior to the next scheduled Executive Committee meeting.
Section 5(a)—Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected for one (1) year only. (b) The other members of the Executive Committee shall be elected for two years.
Section 6—At no time shall an affiliated group be entitled to more than two (2) members on the Executive Committee.
Section 7—Method of election of the group member to the Executive Committee of the Parent Chapter shall be determined by the affiliated groups, except that such member shall be elected for a one (1) year term. He/she may be re-elected to serve an additional term but not more than two years in succession.
Section 8—The term of office shall extend from June 1 to May 31.
Section 9—Vacancies: Should an elected person find between election and installation, that he/she is unable to serve; the vacancy shall be treated as in Article 7.
ARTICLE X: Removal of Officers & Executive Committee Members
Section 1—The Executive Committee may recommend removal of any Officer or Executive Committee member from their position on the Executive Committee. Such recommendation shall require two-thirds vote of the entire voting membership of the Executive Committee before the recommendation will be put into effect and only after hearing the pertinent evidence at any regular or special meeting of the Executive Committee. The member in question will be given at least a thirty (30) day written notice of such meeting and its purpose, as he/she shall have the right to appear personally and be represented by counsel.
Section 2—The Chapter members may also petition for removal of an Officer or an Executive Committee member by submittal of a written proposal signed by ten (10) percent of the membership to the Secretary and subject to the approval of the membership by a two-thirds majority vote of the returned ballots received within sixty (60) days from the date the ballots were distributed to the membership.
ARTICLE XI: Amendments
Section 1—Amendments to these Rules for Government may be made by a majority vote of the Executive Committee subject to the approval of the membership by a two-thirds majority vote of the returned ballots.
Section 2—Amendments to these Rules for Government may be made by a written proposal signed by ten (10) per cent of the membership, filed with the Secretary and subject to the approval of the membership by a two-thirds majority vote of the returned ballots received within sixty (60) days from the date the ballots were distributed to the membership.
ARTICLE XII: Dissolution
If the Chapter should return its Charter to the Society for any reason, or should have its Charter revoked, the affairs of the Chapter shall be terminated immediately under the supervision of the Board of Trustees of the Society and all funds or other property remaining after payment of debts and obligation of the Charter shall be transferred to and paid to the Society.