Chapter Information


Welcome to the Los Angeles Chapter Website!


The mission of the Los Angeles Chapter of ASM International is “to support our members by providing technical information, education and networking opportunities and to promote the materials profession within the community in a professional manner and fun atmosphere”. We strive to provide excellent services to our membership.


LA Chapter offers a full schedule of technical meetings, plant tours and social events. We have monthly Chapter meetings from September through May (except December). In June our Scholarship Golf Tournament is always a great success, providing a day of fun and fellowship, and generating a surplus to be used for scholarships). Our technical meetings include representatives from academia, industry, and government on a wide range of topics.

Thanks especially to all our Golf Tournament Sponsor Companies! (The Golf Tournament is postponed for 2020. Stay tuned for a new date).

We publicize activities with the Los Angeles Chapter via website (, via LinkedIn ( and e-mail. Contact to be added to our e-mail list, or to provide suggestions for future meetings.

During the summer, before the start of the Chapter Year, the Los Angeles Chapter Executive Committee meets with the neighboring chapters (Orange Coast and San Fernando) to discuss issues in common to all chapters and to coordinate activities for the coming year. 

Student Outreach

The Los Angeles Chapter supports the local ASM Material Advantage Chapters and other local universities. In May, our Chapter hosts the annual Student Night with undergraduate and graduate students, with prizes for the best student presentations and recognition of our scholarship winners.

Professional Education/Training

The Los Angeles Chapter offers continuing education courses such as Metallurgy for the Non-Metallurgist and Introduction to Heat Treating, as well as a custom-designed course on surface enhancement. Contact us regarding your education and training needs. Check back for announcements about our upcoming technical meetings, student night, education courses and plant tours.